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Vacation Care in Winter: Five reasons to enrol your child today

July 8, 2022

Gowrie - Vacation Care in Winter: Five reasons to enrol your child today

Key Points

  • Winter (and Summer, Spring and Autumn) is the perfect time to book Vacation Care to give you time to work, time to relax, time to take care of yourself.
  • Children are able to try new things, make new friends, and build skills.
  • You can book in for a single day, or for every day of the school holidays. Most programs allow children to attend from any school* 

On this page

Try new things

Make Friends

Banish Boredom

Build Skills

Take the Pressure Off


It’s cold outside. It’s too windy for picnics. It’s too wet to play in the backyard. The beach is no fun in the winter and the movie theatres and bowling alleys are bursting at the seams. Aren’t the winter school holidays a blast?

That’s why winter is the perfect time to book vacation care near you. Save your holiday leave for the warmer weather and let the children enjoy all that vacation care has to offer. 

Here are five reasons to make your vacation care booking today. 

1. Try new things

At vacation care, every day is different. The educators put a lot of thought into planning activities that are engaging, fun and appropriate for the different age groups. The activities are designed with learning and discovery in mind and to give the children choices about how they will spend their time at vacation care. 

One day they may make slime and the next go on an exciting excursion. They might choose to do every craft activity on offer or mix it up with different activities that they haven’t tried before. Both options are perfectly acceptable at vacation care. 

No matter if your child is an adventurous type or more reserved, they’ll find activities that they’ll love at vacation care.

2. Make friends

It’s not just about activities. Vacation care is also really social. If your children don’t have any other friends attending vacation care with them, they’ll soon make some. They may meet children from other schools or different age groups who share common interests.

If your child is very shy and finds it hard to make friends, the educators will support them and help them to settle in. They’ll facilitate introductions to the other children and make sure that your child feels safe and comfortable in the environment. 

You never know, the people your child meets at vacation care may go on to become their lifelong friends.

two kids are having polymer clay class

3. Banish boredom

Let’s start by saying that boredom isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s good for children to be bored. It can help them to develop their creativity, imagination and self-awareness. 

But bored children aren’t great for parents. Particularly if you’re trying to work!

There is nothing boring about vacation care. It’s the opposite of boring. It’s stimulating, fun and engaging. The educators also offer quiet downtime activities, but for children who are seeking more, there’s more than enough for them to do.

You may even find that days at vacation care help to keep boredom at bay on the days when they’re at home. They can fuel up on fun activities at vacation care and then stick to a slower pace on their days at home. It may even give them some new ideas to keep themselves entertained!

4. Build skills

Vacation care is fun. Your child will enjoy the variety of activities and making new friends. But they will also learn new things, even if they don’t realise it.

When educators plan the activities, as is the case at Gowrie NSW vacation care, they do so with the children’s learning and development in mind. A cooking activity is never just a cooking activity. It’s a chance to learn about a new culture. Or practise maths skills. Excursions and incursions all balance fun with learning.

The wonderful thing about vacation care is that it also gives your child the opportunity to build skills that wouldn’t otherwise receive. If something piques their interest, they can have a go with the support of caring and nurturing educators.

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5. Take the pressure off

Of course we’re talking about taking the pressure off you!

School holidays can be challenging for parents in so many ways. It’s a break from the regular routine and you need to balance – even more so than usual – the different demands of work and caring for your family.

Vacation care helps to make that balance a little bit easier. You can get on with whatever it is that you need to do in your busy day, knowing that your child is safe and happy at vacation care. Then when you can enjoy days together in the holidays, it’s all that much sweeter.


Book your vacation care with Gowrie NSW today

From Bathurst to North Sydney, we offer exciting vacation care holiday programs across NSW. Action-packed and hands-on, the interactive programs are designed and led by qualified educators.

Book in for a single day or the entirety of the school holiday period. Whatever you need, it’s best to book your vacation care early so you don’t miss out.


Published 8/7/2022

*Erskineville Vacation Care Programs only enrol children who attend Erskineville Public School.

Topics: Parenting, Education, Vacation Care

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