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Childcare Subsidy Calculator

Choose the type of care you require.

Early Education & Care

Gowrie NSW's unique centres provide innovative spaces for our youngest community members to grow to their full potential and incite a sense of wonder and experimentation.

children playing

Outside School Hours Care

Gowrie NSW's programs are staffed by dedicated educators who encourage, guide and nurture the developing school age child into flourishing learners.

schoolchidren jumping

Choose your Gowrie NSW Early Education and Care Centre

Choose your Gowrie NSW Outside School Hours Care Centre

Child Care Subsidy Calculator Form
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Per Week
Child Care Subsidy Calculator Result Table
Yearly CCS entitlement $17,746.60
Yearly CCS withholding $887.33
Yearly CCS paid to parents $16,859.27
Yearly out of pocket cost $13,140.73
Yearly cost after EOY reconciliation $12,253.40
Weekly CCS entitlement $354.93
Weekly CCS withholding $17.75
Weekly CCS paid to parents $337.19
Weekly out of pocket cost $262.81
Weekly cost after EOY reconciliation $245.07
Daily CCS entitlement $70.99
Daily CCS withholding $3.55
Daily CCS paid to parents $67.44
Daily out of pocket cost $52.56
Daily cost after EOY reconciliation $49.01
EOY reconciliation: End-Of-Year reconciliation (also known as CCS balancing process) which is the process that occurs after the end of each financial year where Centrelink compares families' income estimates with their actual adjusted taxable income to ensure families receive their correct Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement.
OSHC Subsidy Calculator Form
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Per Week
Child Care Subsidy Calculator Result Table
Yearly CCS entitlement $17,746.60
Yearly CCS withholding $887.33
Yearly CCS paid to parents $16,859.27
Yearly out of pocket cost $13,140.73
Yearly cost after EOY reconciliation $12,253.40
Weekly CCS entitlement $354.93
Weekly CCS withholding $17.75
Weekly CCS paid to parents $337.19
Weekly out of pocket cost $262.81
Weekly cost after EOY reconciliation $245.07
Daily CCS entitlement $70.99
Daily CCS withholding $3.55
Daily CCS paid to parents $67.44
Daily out of pocket cost $52.56
Daily cost after EOY reconciliation $49.01
EOY reconciliation: End-Of-Year reconciliation (also known as CCS balancing process) which is the process that occurs after the end of each financial year where Centrelink compares families' income estimates with their actual adjusted taxable income to ensure families receive their correct Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement.

Please note. This calculator is an estimate only. Changes to Gowrie NSW fees, the Child Subsidy law or your individual circumstances may alter the amount of Child Care Subsidy you are actually entitled to.