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Outside School Hours Care Artists in Residence Project 2015

August 4, 2015


The Artist in Residence project was run throughout term 2 2015 and was an opportunity for children to learn about ceramics through a collaborative art installation project with guidance from a visual art educator, Philippa Playford.

Children designed & created individual components which were arranged together to form a grouping of totems.

The interest in this stemmed from a group investigation into totems and how Indigenous Australians and other cultures use totems as part of their spiritual identity. While participating in the project the children considered signs and symbols of their culture, personal identity and community experiences to reflect in their individual pieces. The children explored the various techniques used in clay work including hand forming, carving & building.

The result was a connected, dynamic ceramic art piece that was presented to Erskineville Public School as a symbol of our community, connection and collaborative relationships with children.

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